A training venue with a difference
Here at the National Appropriate Technology Centre we have a training venue that is a little different, and we think a little better than the rest. It does not provide hotel type accommodation, western style food or easy access to shops, clubs and bars [please note that we do not allow alcohol in the centre] that may distract your course participants.
It does however provide inexpensive shared accommodation, good PNG style food and an environment that is safe, quiet and promotes learning. It also provides your participants with the opportunity to see and use a range of technologies that are being promoted by ATprojects in its many rural development programs.
Located about 30 minutes outside of Goroka (and a 35 minute pleasant walk to the Mt. Gahavisuka National Park), the centre can accommodate 25 people (we can fit in a few
more!), with a large classroom / meeting area and spacious dining area. Set in the heart of beautiful surroundings the building demonstrates many of the technologies and materials used at the Centre. For example the building is supplied with electricity 24 hours a day by the Centre’s Pico hydro power plant. Also if required it is also
possible to hire our well equipped workshop to support the more practical aspects of a training program.
We are also able to help you run your training by providing experienced trainers in a number of areas, for more information just contact us on the above mobile phone number when making your booking and quotation. So if you are looking for a training venue that is away from the noise and distractions of an urban environment, our facility could be what you are looking for.
For the latest updates on our projects visit our blog site: www.atprojects-png.org/blog.
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